

  • 검색결과


결과내 검색
검색어[전방일치/ 주제어:한국]
11건 중 11건 출력
1/2 페이지 엑셀 파일 출력

검색결과 리스트

열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
No. 자료
서명저자출판사청구기호출판년ISBN 수록
단행본 I have the right to destroy myself 미리보기
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Kim, Young-ha Harcourt 813.6 K499i 2007
단행본 Hong Gildong 미리보기
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Seo, Hajin Jimoondang 813.6 J61p v.25 2007
단행본 Interior space and furniture of Joseon upper-class houses 미리보기
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Choi, Sang-Hun Ewha Womans University Press 380 E94s v.19 2007
단행본 Modes of transportation : traditional Korean society 미리보기
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Choi, Woun Sik Ewha Womans University Press 380 E94s v.20 2007
단행본 Buddhism : religion in Korea 미리보기
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Choi, Joon-sik Ewha Womans University Press 380 E94s v.21 2007
단행본 (Useful)Chinese characters for Learners of Korean 미리보기
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Language Eucation Institute Seoul national university 다락원 711.47 L287c 2007 목차
단행본 Buddhist sculpture of Korea 미리보기
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Kim, Lena Hollym 380.911 H746k v.8 2007
단행본 Buddhist architecture of Korea 미리보기
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Kim, Sung-woo Hollym 380.911 H746k v.9 2007
단행본 Korean traditional landscape architecture 미리보기
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Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture Hollym 525.90911 K84k 2007
단행본 The coldest winter : America and the Korean War 미리보기
한글도서관 이용가능 열기
Halberstam, David Thomson Gale 911.0723 H157c 2007
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