Preface = vii
Abbreviations = xi

1. General Introduction = 1
1.1 The Khamnigan people of Mongolia and their linguistic situation = 1
1.2 The Khamnigan people of China and Russia = 4

2.General description of the fieldwork studies in Khentii aimag, Mongolia = 7
2.1 Participants = 7
2.2 Questionnaire, equipment, and method = 7
2.3 Trip to Khentii aimag = 7
2.3.1 From Ulaanbaatar to Chingisiin Tonoot of Binder sum, Khentii aimag = 8
2.3.2 From Chingisiin Tonoot of Binder sum to Gurvan Nuur of Dadal sum, Khentii aimag = 9
2.4 Consultants = 10
2.4.1 Mrs. Jigmed TSETSEGMAA = 10
2.4.2 Mrs. Luvsangtsereng TSEND-AYUUSH = 13
2.4.3 Mrs. Chultem DARKHAA = 14

3.Linguistic description of the Mongol Khamnigan spoken in ortheastern Mongolia = 17
3.1 Phonological description = 17
3.1.1 Vowels = 17
3.1.2 Consonants = 20
3.1.3 Diachronic and synchronic considerations = 22
3.2 Morphological description = 35
3.2.1 Parts of speech = 35
3.3 Syntactic description = 84
3.3.1 Word order = 84
3.3.2 Conjunctions = 85
3.3.3 Negation = 87
3.3.4 Interrogatives = 89
3.3.5 Passive = 90
3.3.6 Causative = 91

Appendix 1. Vocabulary = 95
Appendix 2. Basic Conversational Expressions = 191
Appendix 3. Data for Grammatical Analysis = 215
References = 251
Abstract = 255