1. Introduction= 1
1.1 Outline of the Nanai language
1.2 Fieldwork
1.3 Situations of Nanai speakers
1.4 Purpose and method
1.5 Previous studies
2. Phonology = 9
2.1 Consonant system
2.2 Vowel system
2.3 Long vowels and suprasegmentals
2.4 Phonological process
3. Grammar = 29
3.1 Nouns
3.2 Pronouns
3.3 Numerals
3.4 Verbs

Appendix 1. Lexical items = 73
Appendix 2. Basic conversational expressions = 151
Appendix 3. Sentences for grammatical analysis = 175
References = 209
Index = 211
Abstract = 215