Ⅰ. Introduction
1.1. The Korean Language passim
1.2. Writing System
1.3. The Type of Korean described in this Book
1.4. The Scope and Method of Analysis
Ⅱ. Phonetics and Phonology
2.1. Phonetics and Phonology
2.2. The Korean Phonemes
2.3. Phonetic Description of Korean Phonemes
2.4. The Syllable Structure
2.5. Syllable Quantity and Stress
2.6. Stress Group
2.7. Juncture
2.8. Intonation
2.9. Intonemes
2.10. Transcription
Ⅲ. Word and Word Classes
3.1. Definition of Word
3.2. Types of Words
3.3. Word Classes
3.4. Sub-classes of Word Classes
Ⅳ. Structure of the Verb
4.1. Elements within the Verb
4.2. Stem
4.3. Verb Suffixes and Inflectional Endings
Ⅴ. Phrase
5.1. Nominal Phrase
5.2. Verbal Phrase
Ⅵ. Clause
6.1. Final and Non-Final Clause
6.2. Elements of Clause
6.3. Types of Final Clause
6.4. Types of Non-Final Clause
Ⅶ. Sentence
7.1. Definition of the Sentence
7.2. Major and Minor Sentence
7.3. Major Sentence
7.4. Simple and Compound Sentences
7.5. Minor Sentences = 193
Part Ⅰ: Korean Linguistics
Part Ⅱ: General Linguistics
Appendix: Index of Grammatical Suffixes and Endings