Why participate? = I

Chapter 1
Principles of participation = 1
Making Participation Physical and Scalable = 3
Participation at its Best = 6
What Does Participation Look Like? = 8
Who’s Involved in Participation? = 13
Outcomes for Participants and Audiences = 16
How Does Participation Work? = 22

Chapter 2
Participation begins with me = 33
Audience First = 34
Treating People as Individuals = 39
Profiles in the Real World = 41
Designing Profiles for Cultural Institutions = 45
Putting Personalization to Work in Cultural Institutions = 54
Personalized Onsite Experiences = 58
Personalization over Multiple Visits = 75
Making Membership Matter = 78

Chapter 3
From me to we = 85
The Network Effect = 88
Designing Mediating Technology for Social Experiences = 97
Platforms and Values = 105
Creative Approaches to Platform Design = 110
Platforms and Power = 120

Chapter 4
Social objects = 127
What Makes an Object Social? = 129
Designing Platforms for Social Objects = 133
Social Platforms in the Real World = 137
Asking Visitors Questions = 139
Tours and Facilitated Social Experiences = 152
Provocative Exhibition Design = 158
Giving Visitors Instructions for Social Engagement = 164
Making Objects Shareable = 172

Chapter 5
Defining participation at your institution = 183
Models for Participation = 184
Participation and Mission = 192
The Strategic Value of Participation = 197

Chapter 6
Visitors as contributors = 203
Three Approaches to Contributory Projects = 207
Modeling Desired Participant Behavior = 213
Curating Contributions = 221
Audience Response to Contributory Projects = 225

Chapter 7
Collaborating with visitors = 231
Two Kinds of Collaboration = 235
Structuring Collaboration = 238
Staff Roles in Collaborative Projects = 243
Collaborating on Research Projects = 253
Collaborating with Casual Visitors = 256
Audience Response to Collaborative Projects = 261

Chapter 8
Co-creating with visitors = 263
Designing Platforms for Co-Creation = 268
Co-Creation and Institutional Culture = 274

Chapter 9
Hosting participants = 281
Hosting as a Launch Point for Deeper Engagement = 292
Hosting Exhibitions in Community Galleries = 295

Chapter 10
Evaluating participatory projects = 301
Evaluating Impact = 303
Developing Meaningful Measurement Tools = 306
Incremental and Adaptive Participatory Techniques = 314
Involving Participants in Evaluation = 317

Chapter 11
Managing & Sustaining participation = 321
Participation and Institutional Culture = 323
Participation Starts with Staff = 327
Staff Strategies for Managing Participation = 332
Managing Participatory Projects Over Time = 338
Sustaining Participation = 343

Imagining the participatory museum = 349