1. Nice to meet you = 15
Greetings, Stranger = 17
A Strange Welcome = 30
Cpiche? =37
2. Man the helm = 45
Metropolitan Mayhem = 47
Korean Women = 58
Vehicular Visions = 67
The Bizarre = 79
Shopper''s Delight = 91
For the Vagabonds = 104
Navigation = 110
3. Eats & drinks = 119
The Fast Track to Food Coma = 121
Bottoms Up! = 146
4. Make yourself at home = 171
Home Sweet Home = 173
Digital Get Down = 188
The Office = 191
Staying Alive = 198
5. I LOVE YOU? = 207
The Dating Game = 209
Tying the Knot = 231
After the Big Day = 250